Next Step In Our IVF Journey – Some Surgery

Still in the pre-screening stages of our IVF journey, I'm undergoing a hysteroscopy today to remove a polyp. Image courtesy of and adamr.

Still in the pre-screening stages of our IVF journey, I’m undergoing a hysteroscopy today to remove a polyp. Image courtesy of and adamr.

Today I go in for a little surgery — a hysteroscopy – to help my fertility doctor assess the shape of my uterine cavity and remove a polyp.  My doctor discovered the polyp during a mock embryo transfer, which is basically a practice run for the big event. While my doctor was figuring out the best embryo landing place in my uterus, he found the polyp.

As long as the polyp is there, it’s a no-go on implantation.

I’m also experiencing some minor “abnormal” bleeding, which might be caused by the polyp or by the fact I’m now taking birth control pills.

Yep, I need to go on ‘The Pill’ to get pregnant!?! Oh the irony!

Actually I’m on birth control temporarily. Basically the birth control pill is needed to control the timing of my cycle. In the baby-making process, timing is everything.

Today’s Procedure
For today’s procedure my doctor insert a hysteroscope, a narrow fiberoptic camera, into my uterine cavity. Apparently the hysteroscope comes with awesome attachments so my doctor can do specific procedures, like removing that dang polyp.

The better news is that I’m almost done with my pre-screening process to see if I’m a good candidate for IVF treatments.

After today, all that’s left to do is my annual mammogram, a PAP and blood work. So sometime in November we’ll learn if we can move forward with treatments.